FAB L’Style

FAB L’Style is the global voice of established & emerging luxury. An international, fashion, art, beauty and lifestyle magazine in English based in Vienna, Austria. Ever mindful of equality, we embrace the diversity of inclusive beauty, and having a sustainable mindset.

“Beauty is Pain” | Shocking Beauty Standards Across Asia

"Beauty is Pain" | Shocking Beauty Standards Across Asia

Across the world, beauty standards are unique to regions and nations. While you might find a certain standard absurd, it could be a very treasured culture where it is done. In Asia, there are quite fascinating practises that define their beauty standards. Although some of these standards have been discarded over time, some of them remain relevant today. Let’s take a look at a couple of old and still-existing beauty standards across Asia.


The saying “beauty is pain” rings true for the young women of ancient China who put themselves through the painful act of foot binding. Impossibly tiny and horse-hoof-looking feet might appear distasteful to you now, but it was top-tier, classy fashion to the Chinese women of Imperial China and was especially popular among the elite.

Women would wrap their feet tightly to keep them from growing and only wear shoes best suited for toddlers. The result is tiny, disfigured, dysfunctional feet you wouldn’t imagine seeing on a human. Who cares if you can move? Walking is a chore anyway, right? Thankfully, this is history now.


If you are from the West, where tan and brown skin are goals, this one will make little or no sense to you. East Asian women and their Indian and Pakistani sisters are known to find pale skin quite desirable. This beauty standard is quite important in India, which promotes light-skinned actors in their entertainment industry. While sunbathing is an activity of choice during the summer in the west, Asian women will find the idea pretty grotesque. Ever wondered why your favourite ancient Chinese movies had their women in clownish (literally) stark white faced makeup? Here’s your answer.


If you’ve ever wondered why the female protagonists’ love interests in modern Korean dramas always seem so clumsy, delicate, and helpless, this might be the reason. Another shocking phenomenon considered a beauty standard for women is having delicate features. A small frame, thin legs and arms, and a small face are qualities to die for (or live for). We can’t have Prince Charming without a damsel in distress, can we?


When it comes to finding long, straight, black, and sleek hair desirable and beautiful, Indian and Chinese women might have something in common. It’s not just good enough to grow out of your scalp black. Make it sleek and shiny, flowing and bouncy too; that’s how pretty girls do! 

Body hair isn’t considered so charming, though. When it comes to arms and legs, the smoother and shinier, the better.


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