FAB L’Style

FAB L’Style is the global voice of established & emerging luxury. An international, fashion, art, beauty and lifestyle magazine in English based in Vienna, Austria. Ever mindful of equality, we embrace the diversity of inclusive beauty, and having a sustainable mindset.

Intentional Living: 6 Simple Goals for Every 60 Days in 2024

Text-based image promoting intentional living with a highlighted focus on 6 simple goals for every 60 days in 2024.

The time has come for everyone to answer the annual question, “What are your plans for the year?” The New Year is never without the pressure to start anew, buckle up, set goals, and make something great, but not everyone starts with the motivation to set huge goals. This is not necessarily laziness or a soft spot for mediocrity. It might be that the vision needs time to develop, or it could just be the body calling for rest. Too much pressure can result in panic, anxiety, and total shut-down. What’s needed are simple, actionable goals. Here are some simple goals to work on throughout the new year, in no particular order:


Out with toxic, in with healthy

How about a healthy eating challenge? Put a stop to excess sugar, artificial sweeteners, fizzy drinks, and all things unhealthy. Take more water. Set a timer to drink water. Eat fruits and just detox. Light exercises like brisk walks in the mornings or evenings will prove refreshing. The end goal is a clearer mind and a stronger body.


Imagine what 60 days of gratitude could do to your mind. We’re often so worried about things that are not in place—our wants and needs—that we never pay attention to things that go right. It’s something all humans are guilty of, and it’s definitely worth a conscious effort. To achieve this goal, start by keeping a gratitude journal. Daily, write down the things you’re grateful for, even if they’re the most mundane and weirdest of things. It’s a no-judgement zone.

Save the planet.

Deactivate your passivity towards planet health. We’ve all been a part of the discussion for so long, and it’s time to make a habit out of it. Save water while you brush your teeth and adopt sustainable practices within your means of living. The little things count too.

Act of service

There’s service to nature, and there’s service to humanity. Draw a 60-day plan for how you can be of service to people. Something as simple as a compliment to a stranger could go a long way. Give, offer to help, write a love letter, or feed someone on the street. This is one of the goals that won’t cost you much.

Learn a hobby.

Pick something out of the numerous options: swimming, pottery, knitting, sculpting, gardening, or horticulture. This is a great way to discover something new about yourself. It might just be the missing piece in your puzzle. Channel your creativity into whatever you decide; it could be your pot of gold. Stay up to date on the newest in the world of Fashion, Arts, Beauty and Lifestyle; Follow FAB on Instagram.

Self Love

You come first. You are the end goal of everything. Do not forget to love and dote on yourself in 2024. Start with little acts of kindness to your body. Get enough rest and buy yourself cute things because you deserve them. Know your own worth and remove yourself from triggering situations. Say nice things to yourself. You deserve all things good.

Rome was not built in a day, you know. Slow and steady wins the race, but once you form a habit, it remains with you. It’s okay if these goals don’t look like they are going to put you on the Forbes list by the end of the year. You’re carving something amazing, all the same. Starr with these golden six goals and just enjoy the journey.

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