FAB L’Style

FAB L’Style is the global voice of established & emerging luxury. An international, fashion, art, beauty and lifestyle magazine in English based in Vienna, Austria. Ever mindful of equality, we embrace the diversity of inclusive beauty, and having a sustainable mindset.

Blogger Profile: Vincent Ochieng

It’s 2019 and the Kenyan blogging industry is growing at a rapid rate. Local creatives are becoming more visible through their work in online innovative spaces. This fact is also being appreciated by major brands.

When it comes to blogging in Kenya, female bloggers still greatly outnumber their male counterparts. But that doesn’t mean that the men are not working equally hard to perfect and present their craft.

Bold, exuberant, and unapologetic, Vincent Ochieng is a local lifestyle blogger whose content is based on travel, fashion, and dining in Kenya. He uses the term gentleman to describe himself in a nutshell. His work as a blogger has given him the chance to become brand ambassador for various products. Apart from blogging, he also has ten years of experience in the radio industry, working as producer while managing some of the biggest radio shows in the country. It is safe to say that Vincent’s achievements, so far, are quite impressive.

Vincent tells FAB that it is refreshing to see young Kenyan creatives openly expressing themselves through their content and finally, finding ways to make a living through their blogging careers. He also speaks highly of the local blogging association and what it is doing for the blogging culture. The Kenyan Blogging Association provides blogging training courses. They also host an annual event that seeks to appreciate various bloggers through an award ceremony that allows Kenyans to vote for their top bloggers.

On the other hand, Vincent feels that what the local industry lacks is quality content and consistency. “I think there is a need to emphasize the importance of quality content as a tool for making your blog more attractive, and even for putting you on the radar where brand collaborations are concerned.”  Some blogs are set up to target and slander certain characters. Vincent believes action should be taken to put an end to such negative blogs, but he is definitely open-minded and unbiased.

Vincent’s sense of style is bold, flamboyant and colorful, at all times. He is a fashion risk-taker and never shies away from trying something new, in terms of style. “I will even show up colorfully dressed at a funeral,” he jokes.

Vincent Ochieng

When it comes to the local fashion industry, he credits its growth in recent years to massive exposure that we are now fortunate to experience. However, he shows disappointment that we, as Africans, fail to embrace our own style as much as we chose to appreciate and borrow Western style.

When Vincent is not working, his hobbies still keep him close to the artistic world. He enjoys good music, reading autobiographies and trying out new culinary offerings. He also had a love for horseback riding, he recalls. “I should probably go back to it!”

His number one style tip?  “Take charge of your style or find the right person to help you along your style journey. Real style is about having the right clothes that fit you, make you feel alive, and further complement your body, by adding color and personality.”

There are greater heights to be reached for Vincent Ochieng. Like the Kenyan blogger scene, he is only getting started.


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