FAB L’Style

FAB L’Style is the global voice of established & emerging luxury. An international, fashion, art, beauty and lifestyle magazine in English based in Vienna, Austria. Ever mindful of equality, we embrace the diversity of inclusive beauty, and having a sustainable mindset.

Say Goodbye to Split Ends

Say Goodbye to Split Ends

Do you find yourself looking in the mirror and wincing at those frayed, unruly strands at the tips of your hair? Been there. Done that. We all have. Split ends do not only leave the tips of your hair looking dull and lifeless, but they can also cause a bad hair day in a split second.

But it’s okay, as annoying as they can be, their causes can be easily traced, and preventing them only requires following the right guide. This is why I have come up with this comprehensive guide that will teach you the causes of split ends and equip you with easy-to-follow tips to prevent them, ensuring your hair remains a perfect crown.

Split Ends? What are They? What are the Causes?

So, what exactly are split ends? Picture this: your hair strand is like a tiny thread. Now imagine that thread starting to fray into two or even three parts at its tip. That’s what a split end is. Split ends occur when the protective outer layer of your hair, known as the cuticle, becomes damaged and starts to break apart.

Split ends can happen for a number of reasons, ranging from excessive heat styling, harsh chemicals, rough brushing, and even environmental factors like pollution and UV rays.

8 Tips to Prevent Split Ends

Take a look at some tips that will keep your split ends protected and healthy:

  • Hydration 

Just like your body, your hair craves and needs hydration. One of the main causes of split ends is dry hair. Ensure that your hair gets enough moisture and hydration. One way to do this is to get a deep conditioning treatment at least once every two weeks. Complement that with a moisturising shampoo and conditioner combo on your wash days. Using your regular leave-in conditioner and oil to lock in moisture is also a great idea. An underestimated way to always ensure your hair does not lack moisture is to build a habit of guzzling enough water every day.

  • Towel-dry the Proper Way

We know the post-shower ritual can be rushed, but resist the urge to vigorously rub your hair with a towel, as this might damage your hair cuticles and cause split ends. Instead, embrace a gentler approach: lightly squeeze out excess water and softly pat your hair dry. A great alternative is to dedicate a soft, cotton t-shirt to drying your hair. Your hair will thank you for sparing it unnecessary stress.

  • Heat Styling Wisely

Using those heated styling tools daily can be a lifeline for pretty hair, but they can also lead to split ends. You should air-dry your hair and style it without those heated appliances on some days. If you absolutely need to use heated styling tools, prioritise your hair ends’ health by using heat protectant sprays and dialling down the heat setting before blow-drying. It’s all about striking the right balance between style and hair health.

  • Trim Occasionally

Here’s a secret: regular trims are your ticket to longer, healthier hair. They might seem counterintuitive, but these snips every 6–8 weeks are like magic for preventing split ends from travelling up your hair shaft. If you are concerned about maintaining your length, use a method called dusting to trim out your frayed ends. So embrace the trim and watch your hair flourish.

  • Detangling with TLC

Detangling your hair can feel like a battle, especially when it is wet, but it’s all about technique. Your hair is at its most flexible and vulnerable state when wet, so brushing aggressively will only add pressure to it and cause it to break. A great way to detangle is to start at the ends and work your way up using a wide-tooth comb or a wet hair brush, so you do not just drag the knots to another place. This method minimises breakage and keeps those split ends at bay.

  • Protective Styles

When you are on the go, protective hairstyles are your best friend. Hairstyles such as braids, buns, and ponytails shield your hair from the rigours of daily life, reducing the chances of split ends sneaking in. Embrace these styles and give your hair the VIP treatment it deserves. Do not forget to apply your daily treatments even while your hair is in a protective style.

  • Be Chemical-Cautious

Colour transformations with chemical dyes are exciting, but they can also weaken your hair’s defences. Give your hair breathing room by limiting these treatments. Your locks will thank you for the break, and you will see fewer split ends as a result.

  • UV Defence

Sun protection is not just for your skin. But since you are here, you can check out why you need to protect your skin from the sun. Your hair can suffer from sun damage too. Combat those harmful UV rays by donning a stylish hat or using hair products with built-in UV protection. This seemingly small step makes a big difference in your hair’s health.

A Farewell to Split Ends

As we wrap up our journey to split-end-free hair, remember that it’s the little changes that yield the most significant results. The path to hairppiness is all about balance—maintaining your favourite styles while giving your hair the TLC it deserves. By following these tips, you’re not just preventing split ends; you’re embracing a lifestyle that will maintain your hair’s natural beauty and vitality.


  • What Types of Products Can Prevent Split Ends? 

Go for products containing keratin, argan oil, or shea butter. These ingredients help nourish and strengthen your hair, reducing the likelihood of split ends.

  • Can Split Ends Be Repaired? 

Unfortunately, once a hair strand splits, there is no magical fix to fuse it back together. Trimming or dusting the split ends is the most effective way to deal with them.

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