FAB L’Style

FAB L’Style is the global voice of established & emerging luxury. An international, fashion, art, beauty and lifestyle magazine in English based in Vienna, Austria. Ever mindful of equality, we embrace the diversity of inclusive beauty, and having a sustainable mindset.

Osvaldo Supino Opens Up About His New Album ‘Fine, Thanks’

Osvaldo Supino

Osvaldo Supino, a fearless artist, has been redefining the global music scene with his authenticity and resilience. From singing at the age of five to moving to Milan at 18, his journey has been fueled by courage and an unwavering passion for music.

Osvaldo Supino’s Early Career and Influences

FAB: You began singing at the age of 5 and moved to Milan at 18 to pursue your passion. Can you share more about those early experiences and what motivated you to take that leap? 

Osvaldo Supino: I’ve always let music guide me. Maybe at 18, a bit of recklessness helped too, but I knew that to achieve my dreams, I had to move. From the very beginning, I was aware that courage was essential to make my projects come to life, and it was—and still is— music that gives me that strength. This album is undoubtedly proof of that. 

FAB: You’ve built a remarkable career as an independent artist, winning multiple international awards and gaining recognition across different markets. What has been the most defining moment of your journey so far? 

Osvaldo Supino: Every moment is, every milestone certainly is, because each experience allows me to think bigger, to believe in myself, and to work hard to achieve what I believe in. There have been many huge, often unexpected moments—like participating in the Viña del Mar Festival or my first time on the Latin Grammy red carpet. One that will always hold a special place in my heart was my concert in London for World Pride a few years ago. I was the first Italian in history to perform on that occasion. In Trafalgar Square, in front of over 35,000 people, my first time performing abroad… it was truly priceless. 

Osvaldo Supino

FAB: Starting as an independent artist is never easy. What was the biggest challenge you faced when breaking into the industry, and how did you overcome it? 

Osvaldo Supino: I started as an independent artist after a bad experience with a major label, at a time when pursuing an independent career seemed almost impossible. From the very beginning, I took on every aspect of my music—writing songs, producing, finding musicians, handling visuals like photos and videos, styling, communication, and even booking. It was never a comfort zone. Over the years, I’ve met people I trust and can now delegate some of these tasks to, but my involvement and oversight remain constant in everything I do.Once again, I believe that moments of stress and difficulty can be overcome if you have a genuine passion for what you’re pursuing. Music is my life, my greatest resource, and in many cases, it has been my salvation. 

FAB: You’ve performed in some of the world’s biggest cities and have had a strong international presence. How do different audiences react to your music, and do you adapt your performances for different cultures? 

Osvaldo Supino: I think this is one of the most exciting and rewarding aspects of my journey, especially knowing that not all Italians have this opportunity—or even the drive—to work this way.

Reaching so many different countries naturally increases the workload tremendously— many extra hours, often staying up late to manage things remotely while dealing with time zone differences. 

It’s hard for me to know exactly how I’m perceived, but I truly believe that people can immediately sense my sincerity and honesty through my songs. And in the end, no matter where we’re from, our gender, age, or identity—we are all looking for a safe space for ourselves and our emotions. I try to create that space through my music, so that anyone who wants to step in feels welcome. 

FAB: You are known for pushing artistic boundaries. Have there ever been moments where you felt pressure to conform to industry expectations, and how do you stay true to your vision? 

Osvaldo Supino: A few years ago, before creating my previous album Sparks, I went through a deep artistic crisis. I didn’t know what to do because everything I recorded felt like it might not be good enough. I felt pressured to adopt certain sounds or a specific image just to attract new listeners and grow my audience—while also meeting their expectations. Social media had a huge influence on me, to the point where, when I listened back to what I was trying to create for others, I felt no real connection to it. 

That’s when I thought: I produce my own music, with my money and my time. My name is on these records, so I have to be true to myself—whether people like it or not. That realization changed everything. I understood that, without arrogance, the most important judgment has to be my own. Because if I don’t believe in it, there’s no point in even starting. 

Osvaldo Supino

New Album: “Fine, Thanks” (Coming March 14, 2025) 

FAB: The title “Fine, Thanks” is simple yet powerful. Can you explain what it means to you and how it represents this album? 

Osvaldo Supino: Fine, Thanks” is the stereotypical, automatic response we often use to quickly wrap up a conversation, suggesting that everything is okay. However, its true meaning lies beneath the surface. The title invites us to look beyond that reflexive answer and uncover the emotions, thoughts, and stories that often go unspoken—sometimes out of fear of confronting them. 

FAB: You’ve been in the industry for over a decade. How does this album differ from your previous work, and how do you see it as an evolution of Osvaldo Supino as an artist? 

Osvaldo Supino: Considering that the music I create has always been a reflection of my experiences, I believe this is what truly defines my growth—and also gives me the courage to go deeper and deeper. In this album, in particular, I talk about loss—romantic, emotional, and even struggles with mental health. If I have the confidence today to tackle these themes with complete honesty, it’s because I’ve lived through them fully and have learned how to tell their story.

FAB: What do you want listeners to feel when they hear this album for the first time? Is there a message you hope to leave with them? 

Osvaldo Supino: I think they’ll say, “Omg, really? Did he really just say that?” because it’s truly bold and honest. Through these songs, I want to convey the importance of truly listening to ourselves, protecting and respecting not only our own feelings but also those of others. This album is meant to celebrate our most authentic identity and individuality. 

Osvaldo Supino

Artistic Vision & Songwriting of Osvaldo Supino

FAB: Your music videos are always visually stunning and creatively unique. How involved are you in the creative direction, and do you see your music as a full sensory experience beyond just the sound? 

Osvaldo Supino: When I create a song and immediately envision the entire visual world around it, that’s when I know I’m heading in the right direction. In almost every case, I defend that image, working hard to bring it to life. The visual aspect is very important to my music because it amplifies the meaning of what I’m singing or the emotion I want to convey. Although I’m fortunate to collaborate with professionals and am very open to ideas, I maintain full control over my creativity. I believe every artist should have the freedom to express themselves. 

FAB: Many of your songs carry a strong emotional core. What is your songwriting process like? Do you start with personal experiences, or does inspiration come in unexpected ways? 

Osvaldo Supino: It often starts with a stream of consciousness, pulling out everything I feel and writing it down on paper. Then I rearrange it. I truly believe that inspiration comes from above, that the songs are already around us; we just have to learn to be open, welcoming, and translate that message through music. 

FAB: You’ve sung in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, and Italian. How does language influence your expression in music? 

Osvaldo Supino: I absolutely love languages; I enjoy learning them so much. Right now, for example, I’m studying Portuguese and French (although I feel like I’m not particularly gifted with the latter). Knowing and speaking languages allows me to understand other people’s stories and connect more deeply with their emotions… After all, isn’t that what we live for? Emotional exchanges. 

LGBTQ+ Representation & Advovacy

FAB: You were the first Italian artist to feature a same-sex kiss in a music video, which was groundbreaking. Looking back, how do you feel about that moment, and what impact do you think it had?

Osvaldo Supino: I had no idea I was the first Italian to do something like that, so when I filmed the video, I did it with complete genuineness. According to the storyboard, I was supposed to kiss my new love, and at that time, I was seeing a guy, so it felt natural to do it with him. When the video was released and I found out that something like this had never been done in my country, I was really shocked… I mean, it shouldn’t even be news. 

FAB: In a time where social issues are at the forefront of culture, do you feel a responsibility to use your platform for activism, or do you prefer to let your music speak for itself? 

Osvaldo Supino: Today, all of us have an audience, and whether it’s small or large, we have a responsibility to convey messages of total inclusion. I don’t think it’s just a duty anymore, but something that should come from us naturally. That’s why I use all the tools at my disposal for this—whether it’s an interview, a song, a video, a social media post, or even a conversation with friends. 

FAB: You’ve been a part of campaigns advocating for mental health, cyberbullying awareness, and LGBTQ+ rights. What drives your passion for these causes? 

Osvaldo Supino: Do you know the scene in Wicked where Elphaba walks into that party and everyone laughs at her? Well, I’ve felt like that many times. I’ve felt alone and lost, I know the feeling of rejection and isolation. And I don’t want others to ever feel that way. 

FAB: If you could give one piece of advice to young LGBTQ+ artists trying to break into the industry, what would it be? 

Osvaldo Supino: In fact, I would ask them for advice… there is a wonderful energy in new artists, in new ideas, and it’s beautiful to be contaminated by it. 

Live Performances & Future Plans

FAB: With the new album, are you planning a tour? If so, what can fans expect from your live performances this time around? 

Osvaldo Supino: Surprises… I can’t say more for now. 

FAB:You’ve played major international events, from Pride Festivals to top music venues. Is there a dream stage or festival you still hope to perform at? 

Osvaldo Supino: Can I dream big? at the Oscars. 

FAB: Looking at the next few years, where do you see yourself? Are there any new artistic challenges you want to take on, like acting, directing, or even writing a book? 

Osvaldo Supino: It could already be a spoiler in your question. 

FAB: If you could describe your career in one sentence, what would it be?

Osvaldo Supino: Beautifully challenging.

FunZone: #FABFastFive 

FAB: What’s your guilty pleasure song? 

Osvaldo Supino: Break free – Ariana Grande 

FAB: Morning person or night owl? 

Osvaldo Supino: Totally night owl. 

FAB: Dream collaboration – past or present? 

Osvaldo Supino: Madonna. 

FAB: One thing you always carry on tour? 

Osvaldo Supino: Honest? Condoms. 

FAB: First thing you do after a concert? 

Osvaldo Supino: I’ll send a voice note in the family WhatsApp group to tell them how it went and briefly share something that happened. There’s ALWAYS some anecdote at every concert.

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