FAB L’Style

FAB L’Style is the global voice of established & emerging luxury. An international, fashion, art, beauty and lifestyle magazine in English based in Vienna, Austria. Ever mindful of equality, we embrace the diversity of inclusive beauty, and having a sustainable mindset.

Now’s the Time to Spring Clean Your Job and Career

Visual metaphor of spring cleaning applied to job and career, with professional organizing documents and resume updates

New seasons are all about saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new. Just as well, springtime bears a symbolic message that everyone has to act on. After a long, gloomy, cold winter season, we can finally put away the winter clothes, open the house to sunlight, and make spring décor. Spring cleaning, however, is not exclusive to the wardrobe or homewares; it extends into the work and personal spaces. 

Spring cleaning your work and personal space is an acknowledgment of the passing time and a friendly reminder of change and of the growth that should accompany it. Career and workspace makeovers for spring could both be drastic and subtle, depending on what’s long overdue. 

Reset your goals

Springtime marks the first quarter of the year, a perfect time to sit and reflect on what has been achieved so far. It’s easier to rest or realign your goals after gaining a good outlook on the year. There might be a need to make an adjustment to your goals by replacing or modifying them. Intentional Living: 6 Simple Goals for Every 60 Days in 2024

Update your calendar

There will definitely be some shuffling to do, or perhaps create a new calendar entirely. Springtime feels like a new year and the beginning of outdoor activities. You might want to cancel appointments or fix new routines for a change. 25 Goals to Transform Your Body and Mind

Quit a job

Spring might just be the perfect time to quit a job and embark on a new career path. The start of the season holds opportunities and possibilities. Blizzards and snowstorms sure can’t keep you indoors now. If you’ve been thinking of changing your career path or taking a break from work without being stuck with a depressive afterthought, Spring says, “Go for it!”

Spring Clean, Shed the weight

Maybe it’s time to put away anything that can be overwhelming. Put off the additional tasks that keep making you anxious. It’s an amazing thing to be gifted and efficient, but periods like springtime remind us that it’s okay to focus on just one path. To put away or take a break from another career path and focus on one. Feed the weight off your shoulders.

Physical makeover

Workspace could be a reflection of your mind, so why don’t we start by giving the workspace a face lift? Start by clearing the to-do notes pasted all over. Repaint your walls, change your desk, change your décor, and put a plant nearby. Start spring with something new and inspiring. Stay up to date on the newest in the world of Fashion, Arts, Beauty and Lifestyle; Follow FAB on Instagram.


This is long overdue for a lot of us. It might seem like the littlest of things, but it gives a clearer headspace. Start with the nails, shall we? Attend to your emails, delete the unwanted ones, and do well to unsubscribe from irrelevant newsletters. Spring clean! Delete unwanted files from your computer, group your files, and do a deep cleaning.

Tony Ward: His brand, his details, and the man he is
Portrait of fashion designer Tony Ward covering FAB L'Style Magazine Fashion Icon design, celebrating the essence of his brand and personal style

Tony Ward: His brand, his details, and the man he is

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