FAB L’Style

FAB L’Style is the global voice of established & emerging luxury. An international, fashion, art, beauty and lifestyle magazine in English based in Vienna, Austria. Ever mindful of equality, we embrace the diversity of inclusive beauty, and having a sustainable mindset.

You Can Make Your Leap Year Birthday Count With These 7 Exciting Ideas

Creative list of seven exciting ideas for those celebrating their leap year birthday.

Birthdays are special occasions, and it’s just exciting to celebrate every year as you mark another journey around the sun. But what if your birthday only comes once every four years? That’s the unique reality for about 5 million people who are born on Leap Day, February 29th. Leaplings (Leap Year babies) often find themselves in a conundrum—how to celebrate a birthday that only occurs every four years? That’s fine. I have curated a list of exciting Leap Day birthday ideas to make every celebration memorable, regardless of the calendar’s leap.

How Do You Celebrate a Leap Day Birthday?

Here’s a list of 10 fun ways to make your leap-year birthday a blast:

1. A Quadrennial Bash

You have probably spent the last three years celebrating your birthday on either February 28th or March 1st. Go big on your actual birthday. Plan and host an extravagant event. Invite friends and family from all over for a grand reunion that’s worth the wait.

2. Era-Themed Party

In the spirit of going big, Leap Day offers a unique opportunity to organise a themed party that celebrates different eras or time periods. Guests can dress up as historical figures, movie characters, or iconic personalities from different decades. It’s a chance to travel through time and create timeless memories.

3. Plan an Adventure

Leap Day birthdays call for adventures of epic proportions. Take the leap—literally—and try out exhilarating activities like bungee jumping, skydiving, or hot air ballooning. The goal is to do something you’d ordinarily not do and make your Leap Day birthday an adrenaline-packed experience.

4. Volunteer on Leap Day

You may wear your hat of generosity and dedicate your Leap Day to community service. Volunteer at a local shelter, organise a charity event, or participate in environmental cleanup initiatives. Use your special day to make a positive impact and spread joy to those in need.

5. Leap Year Photo Project

Document your leap day birthday celebrations with a Leap Year photo project. Take a snapshot of yourself every Leap Day to create a captivating visual journey of your growth and transformation. Imagine having your quadrennial growth journey in pictures. Exciting. 

6. Leap Day Treats

Treat yourself to a feast of Leap Day-themed treats. Bake leapfrog-shaped cookies, leap year cupcakes, or a leap day-themed cake adorned with frogs and lily pads. If you are celebrating your real birthday once in four years, a bit of sweets wouldn’t hurt. Stay up to date on the newest in the world of Fashion, Arts, Beauty and Lifestyle; Follow FAB on Instagram.

7. Take an Overnight Trip

Some leaplings go on a two-day trip for their leap day birthday celebration. There’s a lot of sense in taking the opportunity to enjoy an overnight trip. A good idea is to enjoy two or three days at a special resort or spa to relax and commemorate the occasion.


Leap Day birthdays are a rarity, but they offer boundless opportunities for creativity, adventure, and celebration. Ensure you seize the moment to create memories that last a lifetime. After all, Leap Day only comes around once every four years; it’s your job to make it extraordinary!

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