FAB L’Style

FAB L’Style is the global voice of established & emerging luxury. An international, fashion, art, beauty and lifestyle magazine in English based in Vienna, Austria. Ever mindful of equality, we embrace the diversity of inclusive beauty, and having a sustainable mindset.

Glow Through the Heat: Essential Skincare Tips for Summer

Glow Through the Heat: Essential Skincare Tips for Summer

Skincare is a lifestyle and should be a part of your routine all year. But guess what? Seasons change, and so should your skincare routine! In the case of skincare and seasons, what works for the gander might do little to no good for the goose. I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules. The point is, if you desire to maintain that healthy glow all summer, then you need to tweak your routine a bit.

While you are soaking up the sunlight and relishing in outdoor escapades in this season of beaches and bikinis, it is essential to give your skin some extra TLC. The scorching heat and intense UV rays can wreak havoc on your skin, but fear not! I have come up with a treasure trove of skincare tips to keep your skin fresh, flawless, and radiant all summer.

7 Essential Skincare Tips for Summer

Take a look at the top 7 skincare tips that will protect your skin from damage this summer:

  • Cleanse Gently, But Thoroughly

The summer heat could cause more sweating, excess oil, and sunscreen buildup, which can clog your pores and lead to breakouts. This is why you need to be more intentional about the first step in your skincare routine: cleansing. Opt for a gentle cleanser containing ingredients such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. This will help to unclog your pores, remove impurities, and kill acne-causing bacteria without stripping your skin of its natural oils. Cleanse twice a day. Do not forget to extend cleansing to your hairlines too.

  • Moisture and Hydration

Although your skin might become greasy during the summer, you still need to moisturise regularly to protect your skin barrier and prevent dull and dehydrated-looking skin. Incorporate lightweight, water-based moisturisers to maintain that supple complexion without your skin feeling heavy and clogged. In addition, when the temperatures rise, your skin’s thirst increases too. Ensure you are guzzling water like it’s your favourite summer cocktail. Hydrated skin is happy skin!

  • Use Sunscreen Judiciously

This might seem obvious, but it has to be mentioned. Sunscreen is your summer BFF, and it is non-negotiable. Think of it as your magical shield against the sun’s harmful UV rays. Check out this article on how to find the right SPF for your skin. Ensure you follow the two-finger rule to get adequate protection for your face, and reapply every two hours. For exposed areas on your body, a shot glass amount is just perfect. Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30, especially if you are sweating or swimming. Your future self will thank you for preventing premature ageing and reducing the risk of sunburn.

  • Say Yes to Antioxidants

Load up on antioxidant-rich foods like berries, citrus fruits, and leafy greens. These powerhouses combat free radicals, which can wreak havoc on your skin and speed up the ageing process. You are what you eat, after all! Examples of foods you can binge on include all foods rich in vitamin C. Incorporating skincare products such as specific serums that contain vitamin C in its cosmetic form, ascorbic acid, into your routine will also get the job done. Using antioxidants during the summer helps slow down ageing caused by sun damage.

  • Exfoliate

Polished skin is radiant skin. Buff away those dead skin cells and unveil the glowing beauty beneath. But you know the rule for this: don’t go overboard. Incorporate a chemical exfoliant containing alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta-hydroxy acids (BHAs) to gently dissolve dead skin cells and reveal a fresh complexion. Aim for 2-3 times a week and follow up with a hydrating mask to restore your skin’s balance. Remember to only exfoliate at night and follow up with an adequate amount of SPF in the morning.

  • Show Some Extra Love to Your Eyes

Sunglasses do not only make a fashion statement; they are your secret weapon against squinting-induced crow’s feet and sun damage around your eyes. Invest in a chic pair that offers UV protection to keep your peepers looking youthful and vibrant. Go the extra mile and invest in a good eye cream to keep those ageing signs around your eyes at bay. Stay up to date on the newest in the world of Fashion, Arts, Beauty and Lifestyle; Follow FAB on socials.

  • Stay in the Shade

You probably want nothing more than to have as many sun baths as possible this summer, but you need to stay in the shade as much as you can to protect your skin from sun damage. Invest in an umbrella while you are out spending time at the beach, and your skin will thank you for it.


Summer is your time to shine, and with these skincare tips, you can be sure you are getting enough protection for your skin while maintaining a healthy glow. Stay youthful and flawless.


  • How Can I Prevent My Skin from Getting Greasy in the Heat?

Opt for oil-free, mattifying moisturisers and use blotting papers to dab away excess oil throughout the day. Also, choose lightweight, oil-free makeup products to keep shine at bay.

  • What’s the Deal With Rashes During Summer, and How Can I Prevent Them?

Heat rashes occur due to sweat getting trapped in your pores. To prevent them, wear lightweight, breathable fabrics, avoid tight clothing, and keep your skin dry. Calamine lotion can provide relief if you do develop a rash.

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