FAB L’Style

FAB L’Style is the global voice of established & emerging luxury. An international, fashion, art, beauty and lifestyle magazine in English based in Vienna, Austria. Ever mindful of equality, we embrace the diversity of inclusive beauty, and having a sustainable mindset.


FAB L’Style Magazine accepts submissions:

From photographers, designers, fashion brands, stylists, artists, bloggers, and writers.

Thank you for considering Fab L’Style, the Global Voice of Emerging Luxury for your submissions. Fabl’style is a magazine with a razor-sharp focus on fashion, arts, beauty, and lifestyle. Our mission is to connect creatives to the market, bridging the gaps of social advantage in the industry. We have made it our life’s work to showcase the diversity and unbridled beauty in all things creative.

We kindly ask that you review the following guidelines before submitting your work. Please note that adherence to these guidelines will greatly increase the likelihood of your submission being accepted.

Article Submission Guideline

Here’s a set of guidelines for submissions in order to maintain the high standard of quality that our readers have come to expect.

  • Originality and Plagiarism: We only accept original content that has not been published elsewhere, in whole or in part, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Plagiarism, whether intentional or unintentional, is strictly prohibited. All sources must be properly cited, and any quoted material must be attributed to the original author. We reserve the right to reject any submission that we deem to be a duplicate or derivative work.
  • Topic: We welcome articles related to fashion, beauty, arts, and lifestyle. We encourage you to pitch ideas that are fresh, relevant, and insightful. Our readers are passionate about these topics, and we want to deliver content that excites them.
  • Word Count: We understand that our readers have busy lives, and we want to respect their time. Therefore, we ask that all articles submitted to Fabl’style fall within the range of 400 to 700 words. This includes the introduction, discussion, important takeaways, and wrap-up. Please keep in mind that we reserve the right to edit your submission for clarity, coherence, and brevity.
  • SEO: While we appreciate good writing, we also understand the importance of SEO for online publications. Search engine optimisation (SEO) is an essential aspect of digital content creation, and we take it seriously at Fabl’style. Therefore, we ask that you adhere to current SEO best practices when crafting your article. This includes strategically using a well-researched keyword throughout the text, including in the title, meta-description, and body.
  • Format: Please send your submissions in a Word document format. Include a short bio (up to 100 words) and a headshot, as well as any relevant links to your website, social media handles, or other published work. If you include images, please ensure they are high-quality and properly credited.
  • Content Ownership and Legal Responsibility: By submitting your content to Fabl’style, you affirm that you are the original author of the work and that you own the copyright to the content. We disclaim all responsibility for any legal actions that may arise from the use or publication of your content.
  • Publication Consideration: We appreciate all submissions and carefully consider each one for publication. However, please note that we reserve the right to decline any submission that does not meet our quality control guidelines. We evaluate each submission based on factors such as relevance, originality, style, and overall quality. We also reserve the right to edit your submission for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.


Have in mind, that we appreciate your interest in working with us and that you will always be treated with respect and your work will be unaltered in most cases. If we need to change something, you will be notified. The concepts behind each shoot must fit to our aesthetics and if we decide to publish your work you should know that we might alter some parts of that concept to fit our narrative. If we decide to publish your work for our print section, you will be notified specifically for that, otherwise any submission should be considered initially for the web edition and nothing more. 


Editorial Submission Guideline

  • Copyright Infringement: Fab L’Style does not assume any responsibility for possible copyright infringement. We require a signed release form from the photographer or stylist for all accepted submissions.
  • Photoshop: We love photoshop but we do not love when it alters a person’s fundamental look. So please avoid changing shapes or skin-color of a model. A light touch up is expected but anything significant will render the submission as unacceptable. 
  • Exclusive Submissions: If you are submitting an editorial, kindly ensure that it has not been submitted to other magazines simultaneously. We do not accept editorials that have been previously submitted elsewhere. Our content is tailored specifically for our readers.
  • Permissions and Usage: If your work is selected for publication, we will feature it on our website, magazine, or both. By submitting your work, you grant us permission to use it in our publications, websites, advertisements, and press materials. Furthermore, you acknowledge that you either hold the copyright to the submitted content or have obtained written permission for its use.
  • Response to Submissions: Due to the high volume of submissions we receive, we will only respond to submissions that pique our interest for publication and showcasing. Please understand that we receive a substantial amount of material, but if we find your work compelling, we will reach out to you within a short timeframe.

If you agree to these criteria, we welcome your Submissions and Collaboration requests. Please send them to: Cc:

We appreciate your understanding and look forward to the possibility of featuring your work in our esteemed publication.

Best regards,
The Fab L’Style Team

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