FAB L’Style

FAB L’Style is the global voice of established & emerging luxury. An international, fashion, art, beauty and lifestyle magazine in English based in Vienna, Austria. Ever mindful of equality, we embrace the diversity of inclusive beauty, and having a sustainable mindset.


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All artworks in this gallery has copyright.

Yulia Becker

About Yulia Becker (Onipchenko)

Yulia was born in Wyborg, Russia, in 1983. She graduated in 2006 from the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning at Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Construction in Russia. In addition to architectural graphics, she has taken classes in pastel painting and watercolour methods.

 In 2006, she graduated from the State Architectural University of Hannover, Germany (Leibniz Universität Hannover, LUH), Department of Architecture and Landscape. Since then, she has launched a successful artistic career.

She has lived and worked in Vienna, Austria, since 2008 in the fields of architecture and design. The Austrian Professional Union of Artists welcomed Yulia as a member in 2017. In the same year, she established her own studio, “KreativRaum,” a creative place.

The famous quote by F. Dostoevsky “Beauty will save the world” is an important source of inspiration for me, this is the message I try to embody and convey in my paintings. My paintings are like waiting for a first date! with a sense of slight trepidation from the meeting, “butterflies in the stomach”, positive and, at the same time, holding a lot of unsolved mysteries.

Landmark Exhibitions 2017 – 2022:

  • 2022 Dorotheum Auction. Albertina Museum, Vienna.
  • 2022 Collective exhibitions with the Artists Union of Austria, Galerie Eichgraben/ Gallery KUBUS, Austria
  • 2021 ARTBOX.PROJECT Zürich 3.0, SWISSARTEXPO, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Collective Exhibition “STICK TOGETHER” with Bulgarian Cultural Institute, Cultural House 
    Wittgenstein, Vienna
  • 2020 Dorotheum Auction. Albertina Museum, Vienna
  • 2020 interkulturelle Ausstellung “SPECTRUM-International”, Haus Wittgenstein, 1030 Wien
  • 2019 CARAVAGGIO – Great Master of Art International Prize, Milan, Italy
  • 2017 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair 2017, Shanghai, China Busan International Art Fair 2017, Busan, South Korea
  • Numerous group and solo exhibitions in Vienna, Austria, Since 2016

Contact Address: Riemergasse 2, 1010 Wien
Tel: +43 664-2469333
Facebook: julia.onipchenko
Instagram: @yulia_becker_art

Gigi Thanawongrat

Albana Ejupi

About Albana Ejupi

Albana Ejupi's Online Gallery

Welcome to the online gallery of Albana Ejupi, a painter who explores the relationship between the body and the mind through the use of strong and contrasting colors, layers of material, and voluminous figures. Albana Ejupi questions what it means to be human and investigates spiritual and social aspects of human nature through the use of the age-old technique of painting.

By using sand from Kosovo in their work, Albana Ejupi feels that part of their heritage materializes in their paintings. They prefer to work with older people who are shaped and marked by life, depicting bodies in different positions that reflect the diversity of human relations.

Through their paintings, Albana Ejupi hopes to create more universal images of individuals that others can identify with. They often use monochromatic or undefined backgrounds with few colors to draw focus to the foreground, where the subject of the painting is depicted in a comfortable state.

Some of Albana Ejupi’s paintings represent the act of sex, evoking eroticism, love, and harmony between two or more bodies. They also explore the bond between animals and humans, inspired by the long lockdown that forced us to isolate ourselves from our social contacts.

In addition to exploring the relationship between the body and the mind, Albana Ejupi also creates portraiture of older people, capturing the essence of their character, experiences, memories, and thoughts through the use of strong and contrasting colors.

Thank you for visiting Albana Ejupi’s online gallery. We hope you enjoy their work as much as we do.

Landmark Exhibitions 2017 – 2021:


  • Nude On Sand | Solo Exhibition
  • Arco Lisboa | Art Fair | Lisbon, Portugal
  • Spark Art Fair | Art Fair


  • Desire For Intimacy | Solo Exhibition | Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum
  • Vienna City Gallery Walk | Group Exhibition | Lukas Feichtner Gallery, Vienna, Austria
  • Volta Basel | Art Fair | Basel, Switzerland
  • Parallel Vienna | Art Fair | Vienna, Austria
  • Vienna Contemporary | Art Fair | Vienna, Austria


  • Human Condition | Solo Exhibition | Lukas Feichtner Gallery, Vienna, Austria
  • Vienna Contemporary | Art Fair | Vienna, Austria.


  • Group Exhibition | Vienna, Austria | Lukas Feichtner Gallery,
  • Survival Festival | Group Exhibition | Napoli, Italy. Cam/Casoria Contemporary Art Museum,
  • Trzy Mosty Fundacja | Group Exhibition | Krakow, Poland. Gallery Of Fine Art University,
  • Trzy Mosty Fundacja | Group Exhibition | Warsaw, Poland. Galerie Przy Kozach Sluzewskiego Do-Mu Kultury
  • Exposure Of Acts And Syntheses Of Silhouettes | Solo Exhibition | Gallery Of Cultural Center Skopje, Macedonia
  • Exposure Of Acts And Syntheses Of Silhouettes | Solo Exhibition | Gallery Of Ministry Of Culture, Pristina, Kosovo
  • Art In Process-Process In Art | Group Exhibition | Vienna, Austria. Showroom

Contact Address: Vienna, Austria
Instagram: @albana_ejupi_studio
Discover more about Albana Ejupi in this exclusive interview with fabl’style.

Kaloki Nyamai

Nirma Siesenop

Watercolor Botanicals

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