FAB L’Style

FAB L’Style is the global voice of established & emerging luxury. An international, fashion, art, beauty and lifestyle magazine in English based in Vienna, Austria. Ever mindful of equality, we embrace the diversity of inclusive beauty, and having a sustainable mindset.

A Summer To Be A Child Again With Fun And Exciting Activities

2 girls swimming during summer daytime
Photo by Juan Salamanca from Pexels

July presents the perfect time to indulge in summer activities that bring joy, excitement, and a sense of adventure. They say summer is incomplete without a tinge of irresponsibility and a little sacrifice of caution to the wind. I say the best summer is the one where you get to be a child again. As an adult, I love to take a break from the confines of reality and put a pause on responsibilities. Sadly, we have to deal the result of these slight ‘adulty’ indulgences in the morning– *wink wink*.  How about we serve the inner child this summer. This is an opportunity to recreate childhood memories or even discover new passions. Let’s have a summer with less ‘adulty’ worries. Embrace the joy, curiosity, and wonder that comes with being a child again.

Super Fun Summer Activities

Water Balloon Fights

Gather your friends, fill up colourful balloons, and let the battle begin. What is summer without a water balloon fight with friends and family?  It’s a refreshing way to cool off and relive the carefree days of childhood.

Tree Climbing/Build a Treehouse

Brown Wooden Treehouse on Tree

Summer is an excuse for anything. You can rediscover the thrill of tree climbing. Find a sturdy tree with plenty of branches, and challenge yourself to reach new heights. Even better, why can’t we have a little tree house for summer. It can be our little escape when things get overwhelming. The height provides a unique perspective of the surroundings and that could be therapeutic.

Kite Flying

Father Flying a Butterfly Shaped Kite With Two Daughters

Oh to be a child again! Head to an open field with a brightly coloured kite and watch it soar. The gentle tug of the string and the sight of your kite dancing in the wind can be incredibly satisfying and meditative. Do you recall your childhood kite moments?

Paddle-boarding and Kayaking

Photo Of Person Riding Kayak

Studies have shown that spending time in nature increases the feeling of happiness. Explore local lakes, rivers, or the ocean with a paddle-board or kayak. These activities offer a combination of tranquillity and adventure, allowing you to glide over the water and enjoy the scenery. Stay up to date on the latest in fashion, arts, beauty, and lifestyle by following FAB L’Style Magazine.


Set up a tent in your backyard for a mini camping adventure. Enjoy the experience of sleeping under the stars, telling ghost stories, and roasting marshmallows over a fire pit. Scavenger hunt sounds like fun. Organise scavenger hunt for your family and friends alongside camping. Create a list of tasks to complete around the house, neighbour, and local park.

Food and Movies

Host a cooking marathon and movie marathon featuring your favourite childhood films. It’s a perfect opportunity to experiment with new recipes and enjoy the cooking and baking process. For the movie nights, create a cosy environment with blankets, popcorn, and plenty of snacks for an enjoyable indoor retreat. Enjoy your time with your close knit circle trying out homemade ice cream, baking cookies, or making gourmet meals.

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